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Австралия Азербайджан Албания Алжир Американска Самоа Ангола Ангуила Андора Антарктика Антигуа и Барбуда Аржентина Армения Аруба Афганистан Бангладеш Барбадос Бахами Бахрейн Беларус Белгия Белиз Бенин Бермуда Боливия Босна и Херцеговина Ботсвана Бразилия Британска територия в Индийския океан Британски Вирджински острови Бруней Дарусалам Буркина Фасо Бурунди Бутан Вануату Ватикан Венецуела Виетнам Вирджински острови, САЩ Габон Гамбия Гана Гаяна Гваделупа Гватемала Гвинея Гвинея-Бисау Гибралтар Гренада Гренландия Грузия Гуам Демократична република Конго Джибути Джърси Доминика Доминиканска република Египет Еквадор Екваториална Гвинея Еритрея Естония Етиопия Замбия Западна Сахара Зимбабве Източен Тимор Индия Индонезия Ирак Исландия Йемен Йордания Кабо Верде Казахстан Кайманови острови Камбоджа Камерун Канада Катар Кения Кипър Киргизстан Кирибати Китай Кокосови острови (острови Кийлинг) Колумбия Коморски острови Конго Косово Коста Рика Кот д'Ивоар Куба Кувейт Лаос Латвия Лесото Либерия Либия Ливан Литва Лихтенщайн Люксембург Мавритания Мавриций Мадагаскар Майот Макао САР на Китай Македония Малави Малайзия Малдиви Мали Малта Мароко Мартиника Маршалови острови Мексико Мианмар (Бирма) Мозамбик Молдова Монако Монголия Монсерат Намибия Науру Непал Нигер Нигерия Никарагуа Ниуе Нова Зеландия Нова Каледония Обединени арабски емирства Оландски острови Оман Остров Ман Остров Рождество Острови Питкерн Острови Търкс и Кайкос Отдалечени острови на САЩ Пакистан Палау Палестински територии Панама Папуа Нова Гвинея Парагвай Перу Пуерто Рико Реюнион Руанда САЩ Салвадор Самоа Сан Марино Сао Томе и Принсипи Свазиленд Свалбард и Ян Майен Света Елена Северна Корея Северни Мариански острови Сейнт Винсънт и Гренадини Сейнт Китс и Невис Сейнт Лусия Сейшели Сен Бартелеми Сен Мартен Сен Пиер и Микелон Сенегал Сиера Леоне Сингапур Сирия Словакия Словения Соломонови острови Сомалия Судан Суринам Сърбия Таджикистан Тайван Тайланд Танзания Того Токелау Тонга Тринидад и Тобаго Тувалу Тунис Туркменистан Уганда Узбекистан Уолис и Футуна Уругвай Фарьорски острови Федерални щати на Микронезия Фиджи Филипини Фолклендски острови Френска Гвиана Френска Полинезия Френски южни територии Хаити Холандски Антили Хондурас Хонконг САР на Китай Централноафриканска Република Чад Черна гора Чехия Чили Шри Ланка Южна Африка Южна Джорджия и Южни Сандвичеви острови Южна Корея Ямайка Япония о. Гърнси остров Буве остров Норфолк остров Хърд и острови Макдоналд острови Кук
GBP - Британска лира DKK - Датска крона EUR - Евро NOK - Норвежка крона PLN - Полска злота RON - Румънска лея RUB - Руска рубла SEK - Шведска крона HUF - Унгарски форинт
Имейл: Tel: 032 588 345

Equip'Hotel // Paris'16

Professional Equip'Hotel fairs in Paris gathers around 16000 representatives of 20 different business industries on 5 big exhibitions that takes place on 100000 m2 surface. Their offer for Gastronomy and Hotel bussiness is large, you can find products for industrial safety or cleaning services – everyone should take a look.

Who? Equip'Hotel
When? 11-15 November 2018
Where? France, Paris
Exhibition? Hall Pav. 7.2 // Exhibition Nr. F 033
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 150

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INTERNORGA // Hamburg'17

Internorga is an international trade fair for the hotel and catering industry, communal catering, bakeries and confectioneries, and represents the leading trade fair for the out-of-home market. This is where more than 1,000 national and international exhibitors present their innovations to the entire hospitality industry.

When? 9-13 March 2017
Where? Germany, Hamburg
Exhibition? Hall: A3 // Exhibition Nr.: 516
Make an appointment?, Tel: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

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Horecava // Amsterdam'18

Fame of the Dutch Horeceva fairs every year gathers the best national representatives of the Hotel and Gastronomic industry. Fair is focused on the newest technological trends and innovations so in 2018 we can expect even more of them.

Who? Horecava
When? 8-11 Januar 2018
Where? Netherlands, Amsterdam
Exhibition? Hall: 3 // Exhibition Nr.: 03.330
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 210

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The first days of the month of November, "KievEkspoPlaza" dedicates to the professionals of the gastronomy and hotel industry and those who would like to open their own shops. The largest exhibition of the HoReCa - INTERNATIONAL FORUM segment of the gastronomy and hotel industry, restaurant trade. Forech 2017! For more than 15 years, the exhibition FoReCH has been held in the guest industry in Ukraine. The leading brands present their novelties and exclusive stands in the exhibition FoReCH! The total number of exhibitors FoReCH 2017 - more than 200 companies.

When? 8-10 November 2017
Where? Ukraine, Kiev
Exhibition? By europroftech EBPO
Make an appointment?, Telefon: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

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INTERNORGA // Hamburg'17

Internorga is an international trade fair for the hotel and catering industry, communal catering, bakeries and confectioneries, and represents the leading trade fair for the out-of-home market. This is where more than 1,000 national and international exhibitors present their innovations to the entire hospitality industry.

When? 17. – 21. March 2017
Where? Germany, Hamburg
Exhibition? Hall: A3 // Exhibition Nr.: 518
Make an appointment?, Tel: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

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T.I.T.E// Teheran'17

Every year the trade show T.I.T.E International Exhibition of Hotel Equipment and Tourism takes place in Tehran.

Wer? T.I.T.E
When? 06 – 09.02.2017
Where? Iran, Teheran
Exhibition? HAL 31 a
Make an appointment?, Telefon: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

Fair's Pictures

Horecava // Amsterdam'18

Fame of the Dutch Horeceva fairs every year gathers the best national representatives of the Hotel and Gastronomic industry. Fair is focused on the newest technological trends and innovations so in 2017 we can expect even more of them.

Who? Horecava
When? 9-12 Januar 2017
Where? Netherlands, Amsterdam
Exhibition? Hall: 3 // Exhibition Nr.: 03.325
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 210

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Equip'Hotel // Paris'16

Professional Equip'Hotel fairs in Paris gathers around 16000 representatives of 20 different business industries on 5 big exhibitions that takes place on 100000 m2 surface. Their offer for Gastronomy and Hotel bussiness is large, you can find products for industrial safety or cleaning services – everyone should take a look.

Who? Equip'Hotel
When? 6-10 November 2016
Where? France, Paris
Exhibition? Hall: 7.3 // Exhibition Nr.: H113
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 150

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The first days of the month of November, "KievEkspoPlaza" dedicates to the professionals of the gastronomy and hotel industry and those who would like to open their own shops. The largest exhibition of the HoReCa - INTERNATIONAL FORUM segment of the gastronomy and hotel industry, restaurant trade. Forech 2016! For more than 15 years, the exhibition FoReCH has been held in the guest industry in Ukraine. The leading brands present their novelties and exclusive stands in the exhibition FoReCH! The total number of exhibitors FoReCH 2016 - more than 200 companies.

When? 1–3 November 2016
Where? Ukraine, Kiev
Exhibition? By europroftech EBPO
Make an appointment?, Telefon: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

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INTERNORGA // Hamburg'16

Internorga is an international trade fair for the hotel and catering industry, communal catering, bakeries and confectioneries, and represents the leading trade fair for the out-of-home market. This is where more than 1,000 national and international exhibitors present their innovations to the entire hospitality industry.

When? 11. – 16. March 2016
Where? Germany, Hamburg
Exhibition? Hall: A3 // Exhibition Nr.: 518
Make an appointment?, Tel: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

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Hotelympia // London'16

Hotelympia is the largest food service and catering industry event in Great Britain. It is the most important event for professionals to gain access to the latest products and a place that is full of innovations and ideas.

Who? Hotelympia
When? 29. February – 3. March 2016
Where? England, London
Exhibition? N° 4320
Make an appointment?, Tel: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

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Horecava // Amsterdam'16

Fame of the Dutch Horeceva fairs every year gathers the best national representatives of the Hotel and Gastronomic industry. Fair is focused on the newest technological trends and innovations so in 2018 we can expect even more of them.

Who? Horecava
When? 11-14 January 2016
Where? Niederlande, Amsterdam
Exhibition? Hall: 5 // Exhibition Nr.: 5D27
Make an appointment?, Telefon: +49 (0)2553 7220 0

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INTERNORGA // Hamburg'15

The Internorga is a international trade fair for the hotel sector, gastronomy, bakeries and confectioneries. More than 1000 national and international exhibitors present their innovations for the whole hospitality industry.

When? 13-18 March 2015
Where? Germany, Hamburg
Exhibition? Hall: A3 // Exhibition Nr.: 518
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 210

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Sirha // Lyon'15

During the professional Sirah fair in Lyon you can see both gastronomic and catering products and these that can be used in the food industry. Visitors from over 100 countries can expect to see the newest business trends and innovations.

Who? Sirha
When? 24-28 January 2015
Where? France, Lyon
Exhibition? Hall: 5 // Exhibition Nr.: 5D27
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 210

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Horecava // Amsterdam'15

Fame of the Dutch Horeceva fairs every year gathers the best national representatives of the Hotel and Gastronomic industry. Fair is focused on the newest technological trends and innovations so in 2015 we can expect even more of them.

Who? Horecava
When? 12-15 Januar 2015
Where? Netherlands, Amsterdam
Exhibition? Hall: 3 // Exhibition Nr.: 03.325
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 210

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Equip'Hotel // Paris'14

Professional Equip'Hotel fairs in Paris gathers around 16000 representatives of 20 different business industries on 5 big exhibitions that takes place on 100000 m2 surface. Their offer for Gastronomy and Hotel bussiness is large, you can find products for industrial safety or cleaning services – everyone should take a look.

Who? Equip'Hotel
When? 16-20 November 2014
Where? France, Paris
Exhibition? Hall: 7.3 // Exhibition Nr.: H113
Make an appointment?, Phone: +49 (0)2553 7220 150

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PIR // Moscow'13

PIR-Moscow within each year becomes more important and more interesting international fair on the gastronomic market and in the hotel industry. Experts from all over the world are meeting regularly to investigate the newest market trends and to seek the cooperation partners.

Who? PIR
When? 1-4 October 2013 // Already finished
Where? Russia, Moscow
Exhibition? 3 D 85

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